Monday 2 December 2013

Brian flies in to the UK for panto season

Brian Fortuna has returned to the UK for his latest stage role - as Peter Pan in panto at the St Helens Theatre Royal on Merseyside.

Brian told the Liverpool Echo that rehearsals were going well but he has yet to try out flying: “I think we’ve got a double harness so I’m going to be able to do some flips and stuff,” he reveals. “I’ve never done it before so that’s going to be an interesting experience.

Brian also spoke to the St Helens Star newspaper.

“And then we’re adding maybe a Latin dance number to the show as well where I’m going to be singing, so it should be interesting.”

The show begins this Friday 6th December and lasts until Sunday 12th January. Tickets can be booked at the St Helens Theatre Royal website.

This is Brian's second panto role - last Christmas he played Aladdin in Northampton. He returned to the USA following that show to develop his acting career.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Ali in Twelfth Night for three nights

Ali Bastian will be playing the role of Olivia in Twelfth Night for a three-night run in West London.

The production is part of the Shakespeare in the Garden series produced by Permanently Bard and directed by Sean Turner. It will be performed at the Rose & Crown in Ealing, west London, from 1 to 3 August.

Tickets are available from here. Rehearsal photos above and more information from here.

Monday 3 June 2013

Brian's new film

Brian Fortuna has been cast in a lead role in The Arrangement, a romantic short film about two strangers who meet when they end up sharing an apartment.

The independent film is currently seeking investors to fund production in the USA. For more information, see The Arrangement or follow @arrangemntfilm on Twitter.

Brian has been developing his acting career while being based in LA, with his most recent appearance being in TV comedy series Parks and Recreation.

Monday 27 May 2013

Will Brian be back for Christmas? Oh yes, he will!

Brian Fortuna will be returning to the UK stage for the Christmas panto season.

He will be appearing in the title role in Peter Pan at the Theatre Royal in St Helens, Merseyside, from Friday 6th December to Sunday 12th January.

This will be Brian's second panto season following his debut last Christmas as Aladdin in Northampton's Royal & Derngate Theatre.

He is currently living in Los Angeles.

Tickets for Peter Pan can be booked at the Theatre Royal website.

Story in the Liverpool Echo and the St Helen's Star.